

Affordable Diamond Bracelets: Jewelry Box Investing (Jash Adams)

When most people think about investing, they think about boring mutual funds. I encourage you to view investing from a fashion forward standpoint. Diamond jewelry is a shining example of an investment that you can actually enjoy. This is what I like to call Jewelry Box Investing. There are many affordable diamond bracelets available on the market for you to begin your new portfolio. Beginning with a simple diamond bracelet is a fantastic starting point. Depending on your income level this could be a small investment or a large one. There is no shame in starting small. Not everyone is comfortable wearing the equivalent of a new car on their wrist and rightfully so! Here are a few ways to get started and a few things to think about while you are purchasing your sparkly, new investments.

Jewelry Box investing starts with a single piece of jewelry. I would encourage you to begin by looking for affordable diamond bracelets. Many online retailers have bracelets starting at as little as two hundred dollars. Try to look for a classic piece that will stand the test of time. My personal favorite is the Tennis Bracelet. This particular style can be worn with almost anything in your closet. Easy favorites can be taken to a higher fashion level with just one accessory. Imagine your favorite black dress and heels with a diamond bracelet. Your style can go from plain to perfect with this small addition. Diamonds are not just for formal occasions. A diamond bracelet can also be paired with your favorite jeans, a casual shirt and wedge-heels for a polished look. The best part of investing in jewelry is the fact that you can enjoy it. You can't wear your 401K statement on your wrist. What happens if the stock market has a turn for the worse? Choosing a classic piece will help preserve its value for resale at a future time if needed. A trendy design or an irregularly shaped diamond can hurt the resale value of your bracelet. Always think about the long term when buying jewelry for an investment purpose.

Think of your new diamond bracelet as a fashionable savings account. Buy what you can afford to invest based on your budget. Shopping holiday sales can save you hundreds if you take a little time to research. Many online retailers also have clearance sections on their website. The post-holiday deals can be found there. This is always a great place to start if you are looking for thrifty investment jewelry. Many times you will be able to find bracelets that were overstocked and are being sold for well under their appraised value. Finding a deal on a diamond bracelet generates value from the time you buy it. Whether, you are looking to invest for yourself or for future generations this is the time to start. Consider being fashionably economic and investing in a sparkly diamond bracelet to add to your Jewelry box portfolio. Processing ...

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